Pitbull Price In India

The Pitbull price in India varies between ₹30,000 to ₹80,000. The potential Pitbull price depends on its coat color, age & lineage, and the location and reputation of the breeder.

Pitbull Puppies For Sale In India

Pawsypoo is mindful of your expenses and keeps Pitbull puppy price in India as low as possible. Being the breeders and sellers of Pitbull puppies across India, we always do our best to keep the prices under control. With Pawsypoo, you can manage your expenses by purchasing the puppies at the best Pitbull dog price in India.

Pitbull Price In India

In India Pitbull puppies have different Pitbull prices according to different states. We ensure that we give you the most affordable Pitbull price in India that applicable for the city you live in. Here are Pitbulls prices according to different cities across India:

Location Pitbull Price
Pitbull Price in Mumbai ₹32,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Bangalore ₹35,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Hyderabad ₹32,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Pune ₹30,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Delhi ₹30,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Chennai ₹32,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Noida ₹30,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Gurgaon ₹30,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Surat ₹30,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Visakhapatnam ₹32,000 - ₹80,000
Pitbull Price in Nashik ₹30,000 - ₹80,000

Pitbull Feeding Cost In India

Pitbull puppies are high-energy animals and as a result, their fur parents will need to feed them well. Ensure that the Pitbull has a well-balanced diet and enough amounts of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Throughout your Pitbulls life, the water consumption are also essential. However, in want of giving your pet a long and wholesome life, it is better you feed the animal care with high fine kibble. The cost of feeding a Pitbull can be ₹1,500 to ₹3,000 per month in India.

Pitbull Grooming Cost In India

Pitbulls are not high-maintenance dogs, and do not require much grooming. The majority of Pitbull parents do home grooming. But once every couple of months, you should take your pet to a professional groomer. For example, grooming a Pitbull will cost you ₹500 to ₹1,500 in India.

Pitbull Training Cost In India

With good training, pitbulls have mendacious tendencies. A trained Pitbull develops into a safe, affectionate, and well-mannered dog. Pitbulls are best trained by professionals, so Pitbull parents should hire professional trainers to get the job done right. Pitbull trainer can charge you ₹5,000 to 10,000 per month depending on the type of training that you want.

Pitbull Vet Expenses In India

If you are soon to have a Pitbull puppy at home, need to care for the health of your companion dog for its entire life. Your pet should see the vet regularly — particularly until they are two years old. It could be vaccination, routine check ups for a regular visit or diagnosing your Pitbull. Pitbull vet expenses can cost you about ₹5,000 – ₹10,000 for one year.

Pitbull Toys And Accessories Cost In India

Whether they are puppies or adults, pitbulls love playing and with this comes their interest in toys. A true Pitbull parent requires several accessories like lash, collar, crate etc to take proper care of this type of pet. These supplies should not cost you more than ₹1000 to ₹2000 annually for your pooch.

Being aggressive and protective and playing comically at the same time is one of the exceptional features of Pitbull around other breeds. Nothing to search for “gentle giant” who is willing to fight to protect you must resemble the desired Pitbull. Furthermore, a Pitbull will develop and protect a robust guard-like instinct for you and will laugh when you play together. As a result, when you mix and match these characteristics, it appears that Pitbulls are the ideal solution for most pet owners who desire the best of both worlds. Simply, a Pitbull is an entirely aggressive individual who acts like a heart of gold!

At Pawsypoo, we offer you with some lovely puppies, including the healthiest and playful Pitbull puppies in India, among others. A team of breeding professionals and experts are on hand to assist you in selecting and acquiring a lovely Pitbull puppy that will be a terrific choice for you or your pet. Finally, we make arrangements in your two locations to bring your ideal and friendly Pitbull puppy to you.

Pitbull Facts

Name Pit bull
Origin United States
Pitbull Price
in India
₹30, 000 – ₹1,00, 000
Life Expectancy 12-16 years
Size Medium Breed
Ideal Weather 20°C-30°C
Maintenance Moderate
Temperament Athletic, Energetic, Intelligent, Loyal, Protective
Nutrients Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Fibre, Vitamins, Minerals
Food Chicken, Dry Dog Food, Fresh Meat, Fresh Fish, Fruits, Mutton
Health Issues Bloat, Canine distemper, Hip Dysplasia, Leptospirosis, Parasites, Parvovirus, Ringworm, Heartworm
Well Being Activities Exercise, Agility Training, Bonding, Games, Socialization
Energy Level High
Exercise Routine 60 - 90 minutes a day
Recognising Stress Changes in appetite, Excessive Barking, Pacing, Excessive Panting, Reluctance to move, Increased laziness
Shedding Level Moderate Shedding
Hygienic Checklist Ear Cleaning, Bathing, Brushing, Eye Care, Nail Trimming
Grooming Benefits Odourless, Prevents Bad Breath, Cleanliness, Prevents infections, Low Shedding, Quality of life
Prerequisites Access to Groomer, Space and Environment, Lifestyle Compatibility, Time and Effort

Introduction To Pitbull

Pitbulls are a type of medium-sized dog originally bred in the British Isles. These dogs with short hair have muscular and heavy bodies. The very name indicates that these dogs were originally bred to bait bulls. This breed of wild dogs was gradually tamed and made household pets. Pitbulls today are one of the worlds favorite dog breeds, and in many homes, they keep peace as a guarddog. Pitbulls are great with kids, which has earned them the nickname "nanny dogs" and that's a far more accurate description than their reputation would suggest.

Pitbulls still have aggressive characteristics due to their ancient fighting ring history. But in the other hand, pitbulls are still not to aggressive as they would be uncontrolable nature-wise. They are not crazy and with good obedience and socialization training do act predictably. When it comes to their owners they have as much love in the world and then some, and sure you can follow these chickens with all gentleness around children. When at home, your Pitbull is going to enjoy just being with you and also making you laugh at its quirky behavior from time to time.

The short and smooth coat of a pitbull is easier to maintain. They're available in a variety of colors, such as black, white, red, brindle and brown.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pitbull

Is Pitbull a safe dog?

Well socialized and trained, American Pit Bull Terriers are an excellent family dog. They are loyal and loving but can develop problem behaviors if not properly socialized, exercised, and mentally stimulated like most dog breeds.

Is A Pitbull aggressive?

While pit bulls are unfortunately butchered by the media into a bully-type group of aggressive, dangerous animals, an appropriately-socialized and trained pit bull is anything but. In fact, modern pit bulls were purposely bred to be gentle with people and anyone who shares their life with a pit bull can tell you how loving and devoted they are.

Can Pitbull be a pet dog?

Pit bulls originally bred to fight other dogs, evokes an image of a dangerous dog. The reality is, most are just loving, friend dogs that make great pets.

Is a Pitbull a good family dog?

Everyone knows that well cared for and responsibly owned Pit Bulls are one of the best family dogs. This breed is right up there with golden retrievers as far as the most stable temperament of any of the purebreds according to The American Canine Temperament Test Society.

Are pit bulls good with kids?

Pit Bulls are terrible guard dogs (they just love people too much) but this breed may step in if an "intruder" threatens their humans. Pit Bulls Love Children. Pit Bulls are a loving, people-oriented breed that do best in family life. They're loving with pretty much with adults and children.

Is Pitbull a pure dog?

A lot of dogs who are considered to be "pit bulls" are actually unknown mixes or other purebreds that might look a little like them.

Is Pitbull loyal?

Pit bull is an active and faithful dog that requires heavy exercise and assertive yet gentle training. This breed should be socialized and trained from a young age to learn obedience and leash manners. It will need positive training that is based on rewards and play to be loyal and faithful.

Are pit bulls powerful?

Formerly known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, this is a breed that has strength and determination." Sarah-Jane explains, "This breed is definitely capable of taking down larger prey with its immense bite force of 240-330 PSI! Pitbull terriers are lawful in the U.S."

Do pitbulls protect kids?

The inherent loyalty, protective nature, and love of pit bulls make them great playmates for kids & pets. Which brings me to the elephant in the room: You might be asking, Are pit bulls safe? In other words, how they grow up and what circumstances they are immersed in will determine a dogs behavior.

Are pitbulls easy to train?

Pit bulls are typically active and trainable they can be a lot of fun. Most excel at advanced obedience or dog sports, including agility or rally obedience. These are excellent activities that you can have fun with your pit bull, while reinforcing good behavior.

Do pitbulls carry rabies?

If the pit bull is not vaccinated, a bite can also transfer rabies to the victim.