
Whippet dog breed characteristics and facts

Whippet dog breed characteristics and facts

The Whippet is a swift and graceful dog breed that excels in racing and is more than willing to be a couch potato in the home. The Whippet was developed in England to chase and kill game animals in the method of a complimentary coursing breed. They exhibit the classic sighthound personality traits, with some needing thoughtful and seasoned management, and a few others might get high-strung or irritable if over-bored. Most Whippets get along nicely with kids so long as they are treated nicely and appreciate the likelihood to run and is not aggressive towards them. Simple brushing of the short coat with a hard brush and the occasional baths are all that is necessary.

Yes, a Whippet can live in apartments. However, they require a great deal of exercise to keep them happy. With an instinct and craving to chase, these pups need to run! While we’re at it, it’s essential to remember that Whippets do not appreciate being alone for long periods of time. Concerning whether you require a watchdog, this is the incorrect breed for you because they do not bark frequently. Not your issue, but your neighbors will be happy!

The Whippet is medium rather than small, although it’s sometimes confused by persons hearing about a tiny Italian Greyhound. There is no this kind of thing as a tiny Whippet, even if it sounds adorable. A Whippet can differ somewhat in size but still meet the necessary criteria. If it looked like a small version of the Whippet, the Italian Greyhound might be where the confusion began.First of all, it is to be noted that, like the Greyhound or the Whippet, the Italian Greyhound is a sighthound. The Whippet, in person, appears to be a sort of happy medium – a Whippet if a three adorable pet dogs were mixed.

Whippet Facts

  • Origin: England
  • Size: Medium
  • Breed group: Hound
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years
  • Coat: Smooth, short and fine coat
  • Temperament: Affectionate, gentle and playful
  • Exercise needs: Moderate to high
  • Training needs: Easy to train
  • Health: Whippets are generally healthy dog breed, but they can be prone to cetain health problems, such as hip dysplasia, allergies and eye problems.

Whippet Overview

The Whippet, Often known as the “poor man’s Greyhound” and hence a little sneeringly looked upon, this sleek, muscular breed was most likely created some time in the late 18th century for use by poachers in hunting rabbits and other small game and “snap,” a type of tournament in which the goal was to have a dog snap at rabbits inside a circle. However, Whippet racing among working class men became increasingly common after it was discovered that the creature would pursue a waving rag.

Whippet has a dense, short dense coat that comes in variety of colors and markings. Though this looks like a miniature Greyhound, it was designed to be so; which a gusty little fellow was created by breeding Greyhounds with terriers and then later, Italian Greyhounds. The Whippet is a sleek and lovely dog who is charming and affectionate. Called the perfect all-purpose dog, Whippets can compete in agility, flyball, and lure chasing. Despite his independent nature, which can make obedience difficult, Whippets can excel in obedience trials.

The Whippet is usually dog- and people-friendly, but early socialization is essential to avoid developing suspicion. However, if you like cats, the Whippet may not be the dog for you. They also have a high prey drive, and although some Whippets and cats may live together, it’s possible for Whippets to kill family cats. You might be able to train and socialize your Whippet to tolerate the family cat, but you should monitor all interactions and never leave them unattended together. The same prey drive that makes Whippets unsuitable for homes with cats also makes them unsuitable for off-leash walks. They are prone to become prey. A Whippet will chase something if it is chasing it, and a well-trained Whippet which entirely ignores your come command. Some Whippets have been seen hunting down their prey for miles.

Whippets need only a daily walk, although many enjoy a run in a confined space, an opportunity to which they are never denied. An electronic fence is inadequate to contain them underground; they quickly learn that the shock they get is preferable to the opportunity to chase anything that moves. Indoors, they are docile and unassuming, content solely to share the pleasure of their company. With children, they are already humorous and light-hearted. Because of their bone-thin fur and loving natures, they are unsuitable to be kept outdoors. A Whippet will happily snuggle with you on the sofa at the end of a busy day and lie atop your bed to keep your feet warm.

Whippet Highlights

Gentle and affectionate: Whippets are gentle and affectionate dogs. They are docile and loving dogs can be great companions to people at any age.

Playful and energetic: Along with the fact that Whippets are energetic and playful dogs, Whippets love to run and can play fetch. Whippets also make jogging partners.

Easy to train: Whippets have a smart mind and, much of the time, are effortless to train. To date, Whippets will probably prefer polite and good habits at your residence with positive encouragement.

Low-maintenance coat: Another thing about the Whippet is that these dogs have a short, smooth coat and almost require grooming. It will help if you spend five to ten-minute routine brushing your dog once or twice a week.

Good with children and other pets: Whippets are the best pets in the home because they are good with children and other humans, as long as they know how to behave and move around. They are loyal to dispositions and have a relaxed personality, and patience makes them perfect companions for families.

Healthy breed: Whippets are always healthy, but any single dog breed can be susceptible to health issues. However, they are the perfect healthier breed. Still, some puppies may require veterinary attention to be kept healthy, like all dogs.

Whippet History

The Whippet is a comparatively recent breed, no more than a few centuries ancient. The dogs were bred in northern England, notably Lancashire and Yorkshire, likely during the latter part of this era. They were a mix of Greyhounds and some quick, long-legged Terriers, which created a small, quick dog. As a result, poachers frequently employed it to quickly chase after rabbits and other small prey on the territory.

Whippets became popular with the working class in northern England, who spent their off hours pitting the dogs against one another in killing competition of rabbits or rats, or seeing whose Whippet was the fastest. Whippet races are almost always done around a current track that literally spread down roads and across fields. They raced after a rag or a piece of clothing and it’s from this usage that they’re known as rag races. It’s said that the working class bred and developed the racing and hunting spirit in the breed, the upper class, close to extinction, refashioned the look for their intended purpose by, so it’s believed, adding a touch of the Italian Greyhound.

The Whippet was recognized as a breed by England’s Kennel Club in 1891. The American Kennel Club was the first Whippet registered, in 1888. Today the Whippet remains a dog for whom one is guaranteed to admire his stylish look, his versatility, and his faithful companionship. He is ranked 60th among the 155 breeds and varieties recognized by the AKC.

Whippet Size

Male Whippets are 19 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder; females Whippets are 18 to 21 inches. Whippets weight ranges from 18 to 48 pounds, with females being smaller. Males average 34 pounds weight, females 29 pounds weight.

Whippet Personality

The Whippet is amiable, friendly, quiet, and gentle at home. Nevertheless, during any chase, he is intense. He needs a leash and an enclosed area to prevent him from running after something that is moving, such as a bunny or a radio-controlled car. He is not a barking dog but is alert and can be an excellent watchdog. Is he an outstanding guard? No, but he will guide the burglar to the silver.

Temperament is also influenced by raising and training, as well as socialization. Good temperamental whippet puppies are inquisitive and lively. They are willing to take the first step toward meeting people and agree to be taken under their arms. Don’t choose a too good and too bad whippet up puppy. Don’t choose a whippet puppy either from the one who’s enjoying a beating from his/her littermates or from the one who’s hiding alone in the corner. You should meet at least one of the parents, usually the mother is the one who is available to check whether they have the temperament you find acceptable or not. You must also know how to meet the siblings or other relatives of the parents to get an idea of what the puppy will be like when he grows up.

When they are young, Whippet puppies especially need early socialization — exposure to many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences — to become well-rounded dogs. A puppy kindergarten class is a great way to get them started. Having people come over and going to busy parks, stores that allow dogs, and leisurely walks to meet neighbors will assist the puppy in polishing the social skills taught in Alfred.

Whippet Health

The Whippet is generally a healthy breed, and buying from a reputable breeder will help ensure that you get the healthiest Whippet possible. A puppy from a good Whippet breeder will be vaccinated and dewormed before you take him home. Responsible breeders use physically sound, mature at least two years or older dogs, and test their breeding dogs for genetic diseases pertinent to the breed. Both parents should have health clearances health clearances are issued to a dog by a specialist; a document that a dog has been tested for and cleared of particular conditions. Dental disease is the most common chronic problem in pets, affecting 80% of all dogs by age two. Whippets are especially prone to it because of their narrow muzzles. For that reason, it’s recommended you brush their teeth regularly.

  • Anesthesia Sensitivity
  • Deafness
  • Eye Diseases
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease

Whippet Care

For cold-weather walks, Whippet’ll also need a sweater or coat to help him stay warm; however, he can’t tolerate being outdoors in the cold for long periods. A 5- to 6-foot fence will keep your Whippet safe in your yard. An underground electronic fence won’t. No matter how low the shock, your Whippet will ignore it to give chase. A few 20- to 30-minute walks on a leash are recommended for your Whippet. As much as possible, he’ll enjoy a play or stroll off-leash at a fenced ratea park or park. A word of caution though. Don’t be shocked if his burst of energy lasts no longer than a few minutes. Be cautious when exercising your Whippet puppy because you do not want to put strain on his joints or system. A general rule of thumb is five minutes for every month of age. Hence, a 5-month-old puppy will exercise for no more than 25 minutes per day.

Whippet puppies are easily house trained to use a crate. Reward them for doing what you like with food or praise, and never be harsh with them. They’re sensitive and will stop working for you if you yell at them, try to force them, or hurt their feelings. With patience and consistency, you will find yourself with a well-trained Whippet. Beyond basic obedience, you may wish to pursue dog sports, including flyball, agility, and lure coursing.

Whippet Grooming And Coat Color

The Whippet’s short, smooth coat. He can be almost any color or color combination. You will see him in almost any solid color, including black, white, red, fawn, blue, cream, brindle, with various colored spots or blazes or with patches. Occasional brushing with a rubber curry brush or hound glove should keep his coat looking shiny. When doing so, expect to find what little hair he sheds all over your clothes.

Unless he has rolled in something stinky, you should not need to bathe your Whippet frequently. A Whippet’s skin is less well-protected than that of other breeds because of his thin coat. Whippets frequently have nicks, scrapes, and tears that need stitches every now and again. Regularly verify him checking that there are no infections in any of the nicks and scrapes and confirm no injuries.

“It’s better to brush your Whippet’s teeth two or three times a week to remove tartar from your teeth and the bacteria that lives inside. To avoid dental diseases and other unpleasant surprises, it is recommended to brush a dog every day. Trim the nails once or twice a month if your dog does not wear them down naturally. If you can hear your nails hitting the floor, they are too long.. Clean, short nails do not scratch your legs when your Whippet gets excited and jumps on you, and they keep feet in good condition.”

Begin brushing your Whippet from puppyhood and examining him. Dogs can be sensitive about their feet, and you want to be gentle while handling his paws. Also, check the inside of his mouth and ears from time to time to be more comfortable with brushing. Try to make grooming a positive and rewarding experience. It will create a foundation for veterinary exams and other handling he may need as an adult. Inspect your Whippet all over for sores, rashes or signs of infection such as redness, soreness, or inflammation on the skin, in the ears, nose, mouth, and eyes, and on the feets. Ears should have a mild smell and little wax or gunk inside, and the eyes should be bright, with no redness or discharge. Your regular weekly checkup will assist you to notice signs early.

Whippet Children And Other Pets

Whippets like children to play with. They are not very heavy, easy to tumbled, and not too small, fragile enough to be handled. Nevertheless, few people’s safety regulations have taught everyone well. ,, always teach small children how to touch and stroke dogs to avoid accidental bites or puppies dragging on the ears or tails on either side. Teach your child to sit next to a sleeping or dining dog or take away his food. Do not ever leave the dog alone with your child.

Whippets are sociable with other dogs, and you’ll stop them from being lonely during the day by recruiting the other dog to be their family and playmate. Whether a few other dogs are present in the home will depend on what you buy or breed the dog. However, given their high prey drive, Whippets are not small pets to have feline friends. Whether or not they’re a little fox type of dog, Whippets are going to be running to find them. Some Whippets are excellent with cats, primarily if they grow up with one from puppyhood, but confirm the kitty gets away when you get home.


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