
Dutch Shepherd dog breed characteristics and facts

Dutch Shepherd dog breed characteristics and facts

Dutch Shepherd is a very clever, biddable, jack-of-all-trades. Today, they also find employment as search and rescue dogs, service dogs, or the friendly member of the family. If you look at the Dutch Shepherd, it might remind you of a German Shepherd or doppelganger Belgian Shepherd like the Belgian Malinois. This is the same sweet ancestral and only recently diverged on different paths. Dutch Shepherds are less common than others, so they are generally healthier and simpler to train.

Dutch Shepherd Facts

  • Origin: Netherlands
  • Size: Medium
  • Breed group: Herding
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years
  • Coat: Short, medium
  • Temperament: Intelligent, alert, and loyal
  • Exercise needs: High
  • Training needs: Experienced handler

Dutch Shepherd Overview

Dutch Shepherds haven’t changed much since they spent their days on in the Netherlands a little over a, a century ago, but why fix what’s not broken? Dutch Shepherds are intelligent and able to be trained, and for that, they are recognized. They are currently serving as police dogs, guides for the blind, components in obedience competition, and occasionally reliable family pets. They have even maintained their herding capabilities, but it is true due to modern life that demand is no longer as significant. Dutch Shepherds are great with people and other animals. However, they require an active setting that will keep their brain and body working, or they may get bored and destructive. The dog is also able to live in an apartment, as long as it receives at least one long walk and several playtimes each day. Proper socializing at a young age is required to keep calm at how your pet. A Dutch Shepherd’s skin and coat are adapted to keep them comfortable in both hot and cold climates. If you stay in a dry environment, your dog’s skin and coat might require some consideration. Keep the dog busy and provide him with secure training, and your dog will be a phenomenal companion animal!

Dutch Shepherd Highlights

Working Heritage: Dutch Shepherd dogs have a long job tradition similar to their use as pets. They were excellent livestock herders among farm owners. This was because the herds could also continue to guard and help law enforcers.

Intelligent and Trainable: These dogs are very intelligent and do not find studying as rewarding as training. Since they can be quickly taught, they can be quickly fitted for agility and obedience.

Energetic and Athletic: Dutch Shepherd need lots of exercises to feel well and satisfied because of moderate exercise demand. Activity like dog sports, including agility, obedience and even protection training, makes them feel happy due to their agility and skillfulness.

Protective Instinct: Being naturally suspicious of strangers, Dutch Shepherds are very amiable with families. Furthermore, once properly trained, shepherds can also be qualified guard dogs and serve as great watchdog.

Family-Friendly: Despite the dog’s protective nature, the Dutch Shepherd is loving and devoted to his family. Thanks to early socialization and training, the dog forms a particularly tight bond with his human family and is an exceptional playful companion.

Healthy and Hardy: The Dutch Shepherd is generally a vigorous, strong breed. Although like other kinds, they are prone to genetic and medical conditions, these risks have been mitigated by responsible breeders.

Dutch Shepherd History

The Dutch Shepherd, as you can tell by the name, began as a shepherd’s working dog. Dutch Shepherds were used for various tasks on Dutch farmlands. They herded the sheep and other animals, kept the chickens out of the gardens, pulled carts, and functioned as watchdogs. In the beginning, there was little difference between the Dutch Shepherd, the German Shepherd, and the Belgian Shepherd, with the exception being coat color. Nevertheless, these three breeds have diverged further within the last 100 years and each has its breed standard. The Dutch Shepherd has become more scarce now. The rise of advanced farming techniques made it undesirable to use these dogs to herd and perform farm tasks, and the breeding of Dutch Shepherds ceased in the Netherlands after World War II. During the war, many dogs died from hunger, and the German army took several due to their high trainability for military work. After the war, breeders began to breed Dutch Shepherds and mixed them with dogs of uncertain origins. Even though the breed remains rare today, the Dutch Shepherd is still used as a police dog, a rescue dog, a search dog, and a guide dog since it is one of the most trainable dogs. Some Dutch Shepherds are employed in dog sports, and most of them retain their skills as herders.

Dutch Shepherd Size

On average, the Male Dutch Shepherd is smaller than the female. Males are around 22 to 25 inches tall, and female vary from 21 to 24 inches. However, they look similar in build or size. A mature Dutch Shepherd grows 50 to 70 pounds in weight. These sizes are ideal, but variations occur due to the breed’s individual characters.

Dutch Shepherd Personality

In addition to being easy to train, the Dutch Shepherd is almost universally efficient at excellent everything—agility, watchdog, search and rescue, herding, fieldwork, police work, guide dog duty, and simple family partner. They are excellent listeners with a desire to please, making them a lot of fun to learn a new trick or seven. But they can also make it a challenge for experienced owners to keep them interested in learning the many ways to put those commands to use. This breed is best matched with a confident coach who teaches them, establishes how far is too far in terms of behaviors, and builds a relationship based on trust. Because Dutch Shepherds have a strong temperament, it can be challenging to do it quickly too late. Because they are thoughtful animals who resist human presence, attentive socialization training will curb their excitable greeting behaviors, and be sociable and calm around other human and animal friends. A Dutch Shepherd, on the other hand, is a perfect watchdog. Although they are excellent listeners, they are also extensively vigilant, whispering more than a little confidence when someone steps into the house. These results are ideal, but I would also like to teach them how to appropriately interact with any guest. They are amazing family pets no meaningful family member should ever separate them from the children.

Dutch Shepherd Health

Dutch Shepherds are generally a very healthy breed. There are some instances of Dutch Shepherds developing hip dysplasia, but this occurs much less frequently than in similar breeds like German Shepherds.

Dutch Shepherd Care

Like all dogs, you should take your Dutch Shepherd to the veterinarian regularly, and provided with any other at-home care advised by your veterinarian. Your Dutchie’s nails will need to be trimmed occasionally. If you are able to hear your pup’s nails clicking on hardwood floors, it’s time to trim. Their ears will also need to be checked regularly and cleared of any red flag debris. Also, you will need to brush their teeth at least two times per week. Consult your vet about any questions or issues that come up when you are doing these home care basics for your fur kid. Speaking of exercise, it is crucial to ensure that you keep up with your Dutch Shepherd’s exuberance. Your dog will need a minimum of one good, long walk each day. Play with them at a vigorous pace whenever feasible. If pups are left alone at home for many hours, they become weary and restless and start to misbehave.

Dutch Shepherd Grooming And Coat Color

Dutch Shepherds come in three different coats: short hair, wire hair, which is referred to as rough hair, and long hair. The short hair has a woolly undercoat. Wire hair also has a woolly undercoat though very dense and course. The long hair is straight and a bit harsh to the touch. All are acceptable, and the coats are comfortable in most weather. They are generally brindle, the various shades of gold, and silver. Some can be a light, sandy color, and others can be a shade of red. Too much black or white in the coat is usually a fault. The coat type short or long haired needs brushing regularly to remove loose or dead hairs, especially from the undercoat. The wirehaired coat should be groomed when necessary by a professional twice a year and should not be brushed, though can be combed occasionally. They should be bathed as required, as it removes the skin’s natural oils.

Dutch Shepherd Children And Other Pets

In short, Dutch Shepherds are very loyal to their families. They are also very loving to the human beings they have allowed into their hearts, and they should only be barking and seeing as standoffish from strangers. Dutch Shepherds do bode well as watchdogs because of this trait but only as long as the children have been taught to respect the dog and do not play too roughly; more on that later. Indeed, children should also be taught how to properly interact with animals in general and dogs in particular. Other than that, Dutch Shepherds are generally okay with other dogs and pets. Early socialization training can help Dutch Shepherds tame their natural impulsiveness to make sure they are cool with all people and pets.


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