
Cane Corso dog breed characteristics and facts

Cane Corso dog breed characteristics and facts

Cane Corso is a large Mastiff breed known mainly for the size and temperament. Every once in a while, you will hear somebody refer to them as aggressive, but there is more than meets the eye to the Cane Corso. From Ancient Rome, these giant dogs were initially used as guard dogs and involved in various fighting events throughout the history. Over time, the Cane Corso has also been a victim of an undeserved bad reputation and has even been banned in some countries, just like with Pitbulls. As with all dogs, the Cane Corso depends on their socialization, training, and environmental factors. The Cane Corso temperament is docile, level-headed, and highly intelligent.

While Cane Corso start their life cycle as puppies, they quickly grow into substantial, athletic, well-built dogs. They usually grow to be 23-27 inches at the shoulder and maximum maturation weights between 90 to 120 pounds. Some puppies may become “King Corsos” when bred from much bigger parents, who can be massive animals. A King shot can reach or hit 130 pounds of pure muscle, contributing to its intimidating size.

For an eventually well-adjusted companion, Italian Mastiff puppies must be socialized early. Italian Mastiffs develop strong family attachments and may be reticent with individuals unless appropriately presented. However, the Italian Mastiff is also a breed, particularly toward children that displays love and affection. This personal trait makes them excellent pets for active families prepared to develop their role as the mentor.

Is a Cane Corso a good family dog?

Cane Corso can be excellent family members if they have been adequately socialized from a young age. Cane Corsos were bred as loyal and affectionate dogs and go incredibly well in homes where they are treated as family. They have a strong affinity to their owners and will act devotedly and protective of their families. However, considering their size and strength, Cane Corsos will be most suitable for families with older children, who are experienced and strong enough to handle the Cane Corsos’ energy and zeal. Even though they are gentle creatures, they can accidentally knock over children while playing. Therefore, supervision is necessary.

Cane Corso Facts

  • Origin: Italy
  • Breed Group: Working
  • Height: 23-28 inches tall
  • Cane Corso Weight: 90-120 pounds
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years
  • Coat: Smooth, Short, dense in black color, fawn, brindle and red
  • Temperament: Protective, Intelligent, Affectionate, loyal
  • Exercise needs: High
  • Training: early and consistent training
  • Grooming: Low-maintenance; brush once a week
  • Health: Hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and heart disease

Cane Corso Overview

The Cane Corso or the Corso, is a serious dog breed for a person who is serious about having a dog as a companion. The right person is also the one who can provide this dog with the firm but loving guidance he has to take him to a great dog. He is a family-only dog. Do not expect him to buddy-up everyone he meets. He has no interest in people or other animals outside his family, but within the family, such approved listees will have his loyalty and protection.

He’s not content to merely lie around all day and will find his own “job” if you don’t provide him one: running the fence and barking at people driving by, digging holes to China, and chewing up your furniture. He’ll also aid in the care of the livestock if you have a farm or ranch; if you don’t, involve him in dog sports like agility , dock diving , nose work , obedience , or tracking.

Cane Corso Highlights

Cane Corso require a ton of space, exercise, and training, and they are not a good suggestion for first-time dog owners. Here are some other factors to consider if you want to get a Cane Corso:

Space: Cane Corso needs space, sports, a lot of space to run, and play. Cane Corsos are not suitable for the apartment.

Exercise: Cane Corso require a frequent amount of exercise. Arrange walk for at least 2 hours daily. Cane Corso likes to play fetch, go on hikes.

Training: Cane Corso should be prepared with a strong arm. They develop dominance if not correctly socialized.

Cost: Cane Corso is a dog breed that Are relatively expensive to own. A healthy diet of high quality, regular vet check-ups, and grooming is priority.

If you’re thinking about staying in Cane Corso, do your research to make sure you’re ready for the responsibility. These races are great friends but need a lot of attention.

Cane Corso History

The Corso is one of many mastiff-type dogs. Cane Corso bred in Italy. He was bred to hunt big game, guard property, and be an all-purpose farm hand. Part of the farmer’s job was also to drive his pig or cattle to market, and the corso helped round up the animals and keep them in line. “cane” word is Latin for dog and derived from the word for dog in Greek “canis.” The word “corso” may be from “cohors,” meaning bodyguard, or from “corsus,” an Italian word that means sturdy or robust. The breed came close to extinction when farming grew more mechanized, but breeders worked to rebuild the corso from the 1970s.

This breed was recognized in 1996 when the Society Amatori Cane Corso was established in 1983 and the Society Cynologique Internationale, respectively, recognized the breed in 1996. Michael Sottile imported the first litter of Corsos to the U.S in 1988 and a second litter in 1989. The International Cane Corso Association was formed in 1993 and eventually applied for the AKC’s recognition, which was approved in June of 2010. It is now maintained by the Cane Corso Association of America.

Cane Corso Size

Male Cane Corso stand 25 to 27.5 inches. Female Cane Corso 23.5 to 26 inches.

Cane Corso Personality

His history describes him as having a “vigorous temperament, ready to meet any challenge.” We suggest that this temperament can be a two-edged knife. With an owner who is confident and consistent; a good leader who prevents the dog from wandering; the Corso can be an excellent family dog who is never dangerously aggressive, but he can be aggressive when hardened and poses an immediate public danger.

A perfect Corso is also docile and affectionate with children and the family. Achieving that requires socialization and training from buy. This dog is not best suited for a handicapped home, anyone who fears or dislike dogs, or struggles to support a big dog. The Corso is – there’s no way around it – highly intelligent. Add that to his cocky disposition. He easily takes over the house if given the chance. A great home needs to have strong leadership and parameters.

He’ll test how much he can get away with. Make sure never to let him get away with it and let him know from the beginning the rules and make sure everyone in the family understands them, too. Make him follow any command such as a “Sit” or a “Down” before giving him his meal, treats, or a toy. Being a strong figure does not mean beating the dog; that is out of the question. It isn’t just giving the incorrect message; it’s also unsafe with a big, powerful dog. A level stick is a failing stick when it comes to guide a dog.

Corso, a sensitive dog, feels tone of voice. When he has done something you like, he loves praise, and rewards savvy dog responses to praise and rewards. When you don’t like what he’s doing, Corso responds well to firm, rapid corrections and consistent enforcement of the rules. You cannot get more done with this dog than being calm, quiet, and firmly confident. Corso can relax only if you give him a good reason to believe that you have the situation under control.   Corso must develop confidence as a young puppy. Let him spend some time alone, whether in the yard or kennel or in his crate while you’re in the house doing yard work.

Being alone for short intervals now and then may be beneficial because it teaches him that he is all right on his own and that you will always come back. Cane Corso requires early socialization. Socialization ensures that your Corso puppy matures into a well-rounded dog who is unafraid of strangers, children, other animals, or being left alone when necessary.

Due to a shortage of experience of the world, he can also be easily scared or aggressive. The longer you socialize him, the more likely he will be able to determine what is typical behavior and which outcomes require his response to protect you. According to the Italian ca breed standard , the ca must be indifferent when approached and may only react when a situation calls for it is truly a threat. The Corso is a working breed and has to work in the threshold of high pressure. Any ca which may not sustain its dictated characterized under such conditions is of incorrect temperament for the breed.

Cane Corso Health

Corsos are healthy dogs overall, but all breeds are susceptible to certain health problems. A number of the following conditions may or may not be acquired by the Cane Corso; however, this information might be needed for the breed:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Heart disease
  • Bloat
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
  • Allergies
  • Cancer

Regular check-ups at the vet can also help to detect any health issues early enough. For this reason, you should also be familiar with the signs of the most common health problems present in Cane Corsos. You can quickly take your pet to a vet to get checked if need be. Your puppy should have health clearances from breeders proving that the parents do not suffer from eye disease or have hip dysplasia. Go through the dog’s eye examination results by a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist, and the hips should also be examined by the OFA or Pennhip evaluation. HttpResponseRedirect to prove that their puppy’s parents are healthy.

Cane Corso Care

Anatolian shepherd will require a lot of physical exercise due to his job-related nature. He must be given a quick walk or jog of at least a mile in the morning and evening every day. If you’re a biking enthusiast, get an attachment that allows him to ride a bike with you. Cut puppies some slack. Because their musculoskeletal system is not fully developed until they are 18 months old, they need more walk time to expend the energy of their puppy, but shorter and slower. It won’t hurt to offer mental work for this breed.

Working well for a Corso would be a job herding other animals that which can be one’s own or be sent by a trainer, whereby one learns new tricks or goes through obedience training, or a career dog sport such as Agility or Flyball. Each of these activities should take at least 20 minutes a day. It is allowable to take a couple of minutes at the beginning and end of the day.

Never let a Corso run around. A sturdy, sealed garden wall is required. If he wants to, an electronic wall will not hold him on your property, and it will not save your cat or your neighbor’s dog if he unexpectedly wanders into your yard. Not to add the effort and large sums that usually go with owning a large dog. There’s more around stool to hurtle, and the basics – like  spay/neuter operations – are often pricier for large-sized dogs than they are for small ones.

If your Corso requires any general surgery, the general anesthetic cost will be greater given that he will need substantially more of it than a tiny dog along with a greater quantity of pain relievers after surgery. And finally, you’ll have class fees for training, entree fees for dog competitions, and pet-sitting or boarding while you’re out of town. All of these expenses should be factored into the equation before you buy a Corso since you may anticipate rewarding them to go up over the next 10 to 12 years.

Cane Corso Grooming And Coat Color

The Corso has a stiff and short coat with a light undercoat. It can be black, gray, red or fawn and might or might not come with a brindle pattern. The coat sheds profusely twice a year, thus having a good vacuum to suck up all those dust bunnies. Likewise, if you expect to give your Corso a bath on a regular basis, introduce him to the experience whilst he is still young. Thus as a young pup wash the Corso weekly, train him the command “Bath,” and hence he just learns to anticipate it.

Add the praise and rewards to incentivize him. At least two or three times a week,  brush your Cane Corso teeth  to eliminate the plaque and the bacteria hiding within it. Daily brushing is much better since it helps prevent gum illness and foul breath. To prevent painful tears and other issues,  trim your nails once or twice a month except whether your dog wears them down naturally.

Dog toe nails have blood vessels, if you cut too far it can cause bleeding – and your dog may not cooperate the next time. So, if you dont have experience trimming dog nails, Take help from vet or groomer for pointers. Check dog’s ears every week for redness.

Cane Corso Children And Other Pets

Properly raised, trained, and socialized Corso Corso can be loving toward and protective of children. However, puppies and adult dogs should not be given any opportunity to chase them, and children should avoid “histrionic” behaviors such as screaming in his presence. Running away from a child squealing may cause the Corso to view him as prey.

While kids are outside playing loudly, particularly when your children have friends over, keep him contained. When “his” kids are in trouble, the Corso is also likely to feel the desire to intervene, and it isn’t likely to go down well. When it isn’t ransacking your house or yard, your kids may play a great game of fetch or assist the younger ones in holding the leash.

Just as every dog breed, teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and supervise any interaction between dogs and babies, never leaving them alone and never allowing under any serious circumstances biting or ear or tail pulling from either party. Teach your kid never to come near a dog while he’s eating or sleeping or to try to take the dog’s food.

However, no dog, no matter how affectionate, is safe with a child when it is left unattended. But his trust for other dogs and even cats he was raised with will not stretch to suspicion of an unknown animal i.e., he will consider any strange animal to be a potential prey and will try to smash it. Therefore, he must also secure neighbors’ pets. Once again, this implies proper socialization. He must learn to be most at ease with other dogs, from Cane Corso from 8 weeks old and until you decide to invite your second dog a Cane Corso on if you reach that conclusion. And if you do get another dog, male vs. female is the best pick.


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