American Curl cat breed characteristics and facts

American Curl cat breed characteristics and facts


California, USA




5 to 10 pounds


12 to 16 years

The American Curl is a unique and adorable cat breed with ears that curl up towards the back of their head in a graceful arc, which gives them an overall curled look — hence their name. This distinct feature occurs due to a genetic mutation that affects the ear’s cartilage, and while it ranges in how tightly it can curl with each individual cat. Besides their alluring ears, American Curls have a moderate sized; very much muscled body and a plushy semi-long coat that arrives in an array of hues and examples.

American Curls are friendly, sociable little things and they can make great companions. Affectionate and adaptable, they are people-oriented cats that enjoy interacting with their human family members. Moreover, they are typically great around kids and other animals. They are a perfect for families, multi-pet households looking for a loving feline companion Because of their playful and inquisitive nature, American Curls wander around to find interactive play as well as companionship on the shoulder of its owner watching the world.

American Curl Facts

  • Origin: United States
  • Size: Medium
  • Breed Group: Shorthair and Longhair
  • Lifespan: 9-13 years
  • Coat: silky, Short or long, and fine
  • Temperament: Friendly, playful, and affectionate
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate
  • Training: Easy to train
  • Grooming: Weekly brushing
  • Health: Generally healthy, but can be prone to some genetic health conditions, such as cardiomyopathy (HCM), hypertrophic

American Curl History

The American Curl is the youngest cat breeds of all time. This was the result of a natural genetic mutation that occurred for the first time in Shulamith, a stray blackkittenwith long, silky hair and curiouslybackward-curving earsthat looked as if "you were looking at the backs of two papa-san chairs."' She came to the open door of Joe and Grace Ruga in Lakewood, Calif. They named her Shulamith, after the "black and comely" princess in the Old Testament book Song of Solomon.

Shulamith had a litter of four fatherless kittens, two having inherited their curly ears from her. Geneticists agreed to see Michael when they learned that the trait was due to a dominant gene. In 1983, cat fanciers began a selective breeding program that resulted in recognition by the Cat Fancier's Association in 1986 as a new breed: The American Curl. The breed gained preliminary recognition from The International Cat Association in 1987 and full CFA recognition in 1993.

The transition of this pup from a scrappy mutt to an official breed took only six years, which is almost unheard-of. The breed is also unique inasmuch as it’s the first single breed with two coat lengths to be registered by CFA. All American Curls descend from Shulamith. Cats can then be bred to other Curls or outcrossed to non-pedigreed domestic cats with straight ears if they otherwise conform to the Curl breed standard. They generally cost considerably less than the curled-ear kittens.

American Curl Size

The American Curl is a medium-size cat and generally weighing 5 to 10 pounds.

American Curl Personality

The American Curl is a friendly, gentle soul. Invariably he likes children - it is rare for cats to give them house-room, but George does, and even seeks their proffered caresses. Like all domestic shorthair cat breeds, he is generally calm but with a moderately active nature, adequately curious and smart. He’ll probably shadow you to watch what’s going on, but your rat won’t be loud or bossy (as some breeds can be!).

When you come home from work, he'll joyfully greet with a head bump — and probably not stop. A soft touch of the forehead is part of his good-natured interpersonal repartee. American Curls are sometimes referred to as “Peter Pan” of the feline world. It’s not uncommon to catch elderly Curls zipping around the home in life pants just as much as juveniles.

Activem and female are equale-active too! The Curl is playful and can be taught to retrieve. He can even manage to turn around the doorknobs, so watch your hide (and whatever you store in cabinets near his eye level). He also loves a good cuddle on a lap whenever he’s ready for some rest. He is friendly and flexible, perfect for a new home or family.

American Curl Care

Curl coat can be either short or long. Both coats are easy to take care of. However the long haired variety doesn’t get much of an undercoat, so it is must less likely to mat or tangle. The longhaired or shorthaired Curl just needs a weekly combing to look beautiful. Alternatively, gently run the comb back over the Shorthair coat to help lift and excess dead hair out.

Although all shorthairs shed year-round, they will be shedding more than the longhairs. It’s a good idea to brush or comb more frequently during warm months, when longhairs are likely to shed more heavily. A bath is rarely necessary.

I just want to make sure the teeth are brushed and there won't be any periodontal disease, that's all. Brushing is best daily but on a weekly basis is better than never Clip nails every two weeks. If you notice any discharge, simply gently clean with a soft damp cloth around the corner of his eyes. Using a different area of the cloth for each eye, to avoid making an infection from one eye in the other.

Check theearsweekly. If they appear dirty, clean them with a cotton ball or soft dampened cloth (with the cider vingar/warmed water mixture comprised of 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water). Avoid using cotton swabs, as they can damage the inside of your ear. Mind how you go with the ears. We don't want lobbed-off cartilage.

keep the American Curl's litter box spotlessly clean, since these cats are known to be prone to UTIs. Now that’s a cat with a striking emphasis on proper bathroom etiquette. It’s a good idea to keep an American Curl as an indoor-only cat to protect him from diseases spread by other cats, attacks by dogs or coyotes, and the other dangers that face cats who go outdoors, such as being hit by a car. If they insist on going outside, the American Curl also risks having a gorgeous kitty cat strollered away by black marketeers who would like one and can't afford it.

American Curl Grooming And Coat Color

Distinguishing American Curl from all other breeds, however, are his unique ears. But even if those shapely ears were lacking or burned off in the indica-dential process he would remain quite a cat: sweet-faced and soft-coated in both longhair and shorthair varieties of almost every hue imaginable (including chocolate tortoiseshell smoke, silver patched tabby and lilac lynx point). The Curl is renowned for its placid nature. How Pretty is that plumed tail of the long haired variety! Ears, on the other hand, may be the most interesting.

Strangely enough, even though a kitten is born with its tails straight, they can start to curl back within two through ten days after it has been born They start to uncurl and curl again but will remain like that permanently shaping into the desired ear fold at 4 months of age. A show quality kitten will only have a crescent shaped ear with no less than 90 degrees of curl necessary and no more than 180 degrees. The ear, of moderately large size, involved at the tip: rounded and flexible often embellished with small tufts of hair; Alert Curls swivel their ears from the base, however the tips consistently point toward the focal point of the skull base.

American Curl with Children And Other Pets

This breed is affectionate with children but should be monitored when kids are around to ensure they're petting the cat gently and not pulling on his ears or tail. He is perfectly content cohabitating with cat-friendly dogs as well, because he's super friendly like that! Gradually and under controlled circumstances introduce pets to see if they will make suitable friends.