
Akita dog breed characteristics and facts

Akita dog breed characteristics and facts

The Akita, commonly known as the Japanese Akita, the Akita Inu, or the Japanese Akita Inu, is a large  dog breed that originated in Japan. They are distinguished by loyalty, bravery, and independence. Akitas are white, brown, or brindle. They have two layers of dense, weather-resistant coat. Akitas were originally bred to hunt large game such as bears and boars and then also to serve as watch dogs. They held loyalty and bravery in reverence, regarding them as aristocratic dogs.

There are two types of Akitas: the Akita Inu , also known as the Akita or the Japanese Akita, and the American Akita. Whether they are distinct breeds remains a subject of continuous debate. The American Akita, a larger, more robust version of the breed, comes in a wider range of hues. Americans are a variety of the Akita breed and have been developed in the United States due to a concentration on strength and size. They may also be more social and protect these breeds as compared to the Japanese. While all have many physical characteristics, such as a strong build, double coat, and curl tail, their distinctions become apparent due to such elements and the part of their origin that they select. Therefore, those who are considering getting an Akita should take their personal choice into account.

Akita Facts

  • Origin: Japan
  • Size: Large
  • Breed Group: Working
  • Lifespan: 10-15 years
  • Coat: Thick double coat
  • Temperament: Dignified, Loyal, and reserved with strangers; protective and affectionate with family
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate exercise
  • Training: Requires early socialization
  • Grooming: Regular brushing and occasional grooming
  • Health: Prone to certain health issues, including autoimmune disorders, hip dysplasia, and certain genetic conditions like PRA.

Akita Overview

The Akita is a bold dog with a strong and intimidating presence: a wide head set into a massive neck in comparison with small, triangular eyes; a confident, rough stance, and widely set, erect ears. The appearance of a strong Akita quickly scares away all but the most determined troublemakers. Although they are thought to be loyal to no fault, owners quickly conquer this breed. They may be extremely sweet and adorable with their family, believe your devoted defender will tip and turn around the house behind your trail. His total purpose in life appears to be only to serve you.

Akitas are brave and resolute, a natural alert for the family. Notoriously obstinate and anticipatory, the Akita is not going to back from a battle. While they don’t bark much, they certainly make more amusing sounds — many owners have noted that “Akitas grumble” – as in the dog mutters under its respiration – and they often appear to be arguing with themselves. Other owners insist that the Akita offers its viewpoint on whatever from the lawn mower to loading the dishwasher and the dishwasher; This as a lovely “talking” quality is shared with relatives, but the Akita is typically quite aloof and silent with visitors.

They are naturally distrustful of strangers, but will put up with house guests as long as their masters are around. Socialize the Akita puppy , or retrain the adult dog, to grow gentler over time, from the war zone he once was. Still, an Akita would be an Akita, a serious and not a party pooper. A very special Akita characteristic is mouthing. Akita likes carrying and cordially massage things around in their mouth, including you whom he’ll smash his forehead into your wrist, which will be in his mouth, but this must not be misunderstood. It isn’t aggression he’s showing towards your, but his only way of ‘kissing’ you.

This may be a variety of ideas that jump into their intelligent head, or they may want to go on a walk and lead you to their leash. While an owner might find his or her Akita’s mouthing endearing, if you do not, you must provide him with a task that necessitates carrying something. While they can search for your newspaper or slippers, bring in the mail or even your keys, frequently used to misslay them.

The Akita, however, is certainly strange. They will groom themselves by licking their body, like a cat. Nor is this the extent of their feline characteristics; akin to a tiger, they will quietly stalk their prey, body on the ground, until they get their target. They do not growl, yip, or howl as a warning before attacking. This dog has well over 100 pounds in dog muscle. This breed is dominant, and the Akita will dominate you. Training the puppy is required, and it should be performed by its owner. Training a regular Akita puppy should not be done by someone you trust because the Akita is so faithfully loyal to his or her master.

One more important thing to do before getting an Akita is to use the Internet to find out more about how to train them. Akitas do not appreciate traditional training methods. The dog is going to respect you if you respect the dog. However, in this breed, training may last longer than in others. While the Akita is brilliant in intellect, their stubborn nature makes it difficult for training. The only way to effectively train an Akita is to do your research to save yourself the trauma of struggling to train your dog. The Akita is a friendly pet who loves socialization. They are still quite a pair even though they look cold to the public, and the pet must spend hours with you. They are not tail dogs.

Companionship walks hand-in-hand with loyalty; the core of this breed is ideal. To force a dog of such noble gentleness and fierce dedication to live out in the yard without a balanced and established family is a crime. A bored, lonely Akita can turn primarily to be a very aggressive and destructive one. Akita is an unsuitable breed for a newbie pet parent, someone looking for a bobblehead, or anybody who doesn’t want to take command. But in exchange, a breed that challenges pet owners to properly explore and dedicatingly educate their dogs will obtain an intelligent, loyal companion. When making decisions, the potential Akita pet parent must know the other issues to either remain on one side or take the opposite.

This controversy is “the split.” This terminology refers to the Japanese or American standard for the breed Akita. The Japanese Akita is small, both in height and mass, as much as 30 or more pounds less than the American Akita. Not only is their head fox-like rather than broad, their eyes are within an almond shape compared with the American Akita’s triangular eyes. A black mask is very popular in the American Akita but is a show disqualifier in Japan, where the mask is white. If you want your dog to be able to compete in any American Kennel Club event, the black mask signifies that the dog has been bred to the American standard and will be allowed to compete. In America, any color on the Akita is legal in Japan. In Japan, only red, white, and certain brindles coat colors are allowed. The differences between the types are so vast that for the breed, it would seem like a split would be ideal. There seem to be as many individuals who are very in favor of the split as there are very against it.

As previously mentioned, deciding which standard to follow is a matter of personal preferences. When it comes to the Akita’s preferences, natural hunting skills translate well to a variety of activities. They still hunt and can hold large game until the hunter arrives. They can also retrieve waterfowl. They are good trackers, and their catlike movements make them excellent in agility. Akita owners are proving more and more often rather than skeptics who believe the Akita nature inhibits successful sport. Although the breed’s stubbornness can sometimes make training quite a challenge, Akita and her breeder will carry more ribbons as more people experience the pride of achievement they get when they work with the breed.

Akita Highlights

Heritage and Origin: The Japanese Akita hails from Japan, in which it has played a meaningful role in culture and history.

Dignified Temperament: As mentioned earlier, the Japanese Akita bear a calm, cool, and collected personality that can be described as dignified.

Loyalty and Courage: The Akita are deeply loyal and courageous in times of need and danger.

Distinct Appearance: The Japanese Akita are known for their double-coated fur covering their large bodies. They also have a curled tail and a large head that set them apart.

Reserved Around Strangers: Under the care of a stranger, the Japanese Akita may feel timid, and thus appropriate introduction is recommended.

Versatile Guardian: The Japanese Akita is polite, attentive, and loyal in other situations but can also be a vigilant guardian.

Cultural Significance: The Akita Region helps describe the cultural significance the breed has in the history and traditions of Japanese.

Akita History

The Akita hails from the Japanese province of Akita, and it is thought to have existed there since ancient times. The breed has been in the record since the 1600s when Akitas worked as hunting dogs and were used to guard Japanese royalty and fowl as well as large animals. One American woman, however, is responsible for the breed’s introduction to America and thus, granting Akitas their moniker, Helen Keller.

The Japanese obviously admired Helen Keller and therefore, while visiting Shibuyu, also took her to see the statue of Hachiko, an Akita, who was famous worldwide in the 1920s. His statue evokes awe and respect even nowadays. Hachiko’s fame was due to his absolute devotion to the owner: a professor who used to come back from work every day exactly at 3 o’clock almost without exceptions. The dog met his owner at the train station daily. However, when the professor died, Hachiko continued his vigil over his dead body. Decade passed before the agita joined his owner. As Helen Keller wanted an Akita, she was presented with a puppy, the first Akita arrived in America. Keller was very happy with Kamikaze-go and very saddened by his fast death shortly after from malady called distemper.

The Japanese government gave her Kamikaze’s older brother, Kenzan-go. Keller later said that Kamikaze had been “an angel in fur” and that the Akita breed was “gentle, companionable, and trusty”. More Akita arrived in the United States with returning American servicemen after World War II. In 1956 Thomas Boyd began to produce Akita puppies in the United States. The American Akita became a stockier animal than the Japanese Akita, and many Americans appreciated it. Even so, there were those who wanted to adhered to the Japanese standard. This schism resulted in a fight that delayed registration with the American Kennel Club for decades.

Meanwhile, in 1972, the AKC finally accepted the Akita Club of America. Nonetheless, the split is just as vast today and continues to concern Akita fanciers on both sides. But one thing has never been debated is the Akita’s historic and infamous combination of fearlessness and loyalty, especially when tested. After all, during the glory days of the London Zoo, a Sumatran tiger cub was left orphaned. The zookeepers needed hidden help in raising the cub and decided on an Akita puppy. They knew the Akita would not be afraid and could play with the tiger’s cub in a way that the cub could get the all-important lesson he would learn for his life. Moreover, the Akita had thick fur that could protect him from sharp claws, and since every Akita knew to be loyal to the owner, the pup would make the required resolute playmate and guardian to deranged, grieving cub. The Akita continued until the tiger reached near adulthood. This is a dog who is so fearless, confident, and devoted to his family.

Akita Size

Males Akita stand 26 to 28 inches. Females Akita stand 24 to 26 inches.

Akita Personality

The Akita is a bold and willful dog, suspicious of outsiders and fiercely protective of its family. They are observant, intelligent, and courageous. They may be vicious toward other canines, particularly of the same gender. The Akita is happiest in a single-dog home. Despite its moody, affectively neutral demeanor, it is warm and entertaining with relatives. It adores its family’s company and desires to engage in all of their activities.

They’re mouthy and love playing with stuffed toys and carrying around items in the household. The popular myth is that they never bark, but that’s a lie – these dogs are quite vocal and even grumble, moan, and, when necessary, bark. The Akita’s aura is powerful and must be respected. It isn’t a breed for the inexperienced owner or the faint-hearted. This dog requires a confident human who can give consistent, positive guidance.

This is an exuberant breed. They need more than enough physical exercise to prevent them from getting bored and resulting in damage. The naturally hostile Akita will turn into aggressive if not adequately trained or if you don’t raise one to understanding at a young age. Training your Akita is important to make sure it’s properly socialization. However, the breed is stubborn; a higher amount of persistence is necessary to instill the proper canine demeanor.

Akita Health

Akitas are generally healthy, but like all other dog breeds, they’re prone to certain conditions and diseases.

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Gastric dilatation-volvulus
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
  • Sebaceous adenitis (SA)

Akita Care

The Akita does best inside with the family and is happiest. While not hyperactive, they do require regular exercise. Thirty minutes to an hour a day is suitable for an adult dog; brisk walks, jogging , and playing in the yard are their favorite pastimes. The dog park should be avoided because there is a good chance your Akita will have an aggressive attitude toward other dogs. A high level of intelligence demands that a variety of activities.

What you do not want is a bored Akita. The boredom can manifest as barking, digging, and chewing—and even become  aggression. The Akita must be a part of family activities and should not be left alone. He should have a  securely-fenced yard , which is vitally important for the dog’s safety and for the safety of anyone who ventures onto his turf. If his family is home, he is not normally aggressive with visitors, but all bets are off if no one is in residence.

The Akita is a loyal guardian, and it will protect against anything it perceives as a danger. When it comes to an Akita puppy, more attention must be paid. When dogs are between four and seven months old, they become big quickly, which can lead to bone issues. A high-quality, low-calorie diet produces excellent results, as it helps them develop not too rapidly. In addition, don’t let your Akita puppy jump and play on hard surfaces; normal play on grass is okay. It’s also crucial not to make it leap or trot on such surfaces. Changes or severe exercise on hard surfaces should be avoided until the dog is at least two years old to prevent joint problems due to the disease not being fully formed.

Akita Grooming And Coat Color

There are numerous colors and color combinations in the American Akita, which is black, white, chocolate, a combination of color and white, or brindle. The Akita is double-coated, with a plush and very dense undercoat, and a shorter topcoat. Thus, grooming the Akita is not that troublesome. However, the Akita is a shedder, so frequent vacuuming will be your new way of living if you pick up the Akita.

Akita fur will be all over furniture, clothing, dishes, in food, and will form countless dust bunnies on the floor and carpets. Heavier shedding occurs twice or thrice a year. Brush the coat once a week to help lessen the amount of hair loose in your household and to maintain the companion dog’s profuse coat in shape. Even though they may groom themselves, the Akita should also be given regular baths, perhaps every three months or sooner if the dog falls in a mud puddle or anything stinky.

Nails should be trimmed monthly, and the ears should be checked weekly for dirt, redness, or a bad odor which may signal of an infection. The ears should also be wiped out weekly with a cotton ball moistened with a gentle, pH-balanced ear cleaner to prevent problems. Like all breeds, the Akita should be groomed at a young age. Positive grooming with the owner helps accustom a dog to being put in positions necessary for grooming as required since it won’t be easy to handle an Akita puppy when they are grown up.

Akita Children And Other Pets

Adults should always keep vigilant over dog-child play, even more so with this breed. No child will ever have a more devoted or playful friend than this pup, but untrained he could soon become a liability and even a killer to your child. You must teach your child how to touch and manage the dog. Dogs and kids should not left alone, even with a good companion, and the Akita dog breed is appropriate for households with older kids. Due to the breed’s aggressive nature, this dog pillow should be the only pet present, and untrained Akitas will follow other animals.


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